Derby Dames
At the 144th running of the Kentucky Derby, the “Derby Dames” of New York City ventured to Louisville, Kentucky to watch the most exciting two minutes in sports.
The trip came about, because my father’s family is from Kentucky. I grew up every year being so excited to pour over the horses with my dad, decide on my favorite horse (usually by name) and then the excitement while watching them take off! My family were truly the most wonderful hosts, and made this event so special.
While preparing for the Derby, my friends and I weren’t quite sure what to expect. We decided to “slum” it and got tickets to the paddock/infield, which I’d say is a great introduction to the cultural parallels that exist at the event. If you’re lucky (like us)… you may even be able to find your way up to the Grandstands (in spite of your tickets…).
So I thought I’d write up a little cheat sheet of things to know when attending the run for the roses.
1. Glam - Be as glam as you want. No matter what tier of tickets, you should live your best glam life. Even with rain mussing up makeup by the end of the day, we re-applied our eyeliner and lipstick and continued being our fab selves! Wear your heels, a bold lip and be a glamazon! I asked my bestie for her best Derby tip, waterproof mascara and liner (SMARTEST tip)… because we all had a moment of OH as we realized our mascara was running down our faces due to the rain (the prettiest drowned rats, if I say so myself). Anything you can waterproof, you should waterproof!
2. Attire - GO BIG OR GO HOME. Truly, whatever theme you want to go for DO IT! At the Derby nothing is too wild or too crazy. I ended up with a “floral” theme for my look. My dress was from Amazon (yah! $27), the hat I made using a base of a fascinator from Amazon too and then flowers from Michaels. (I cannot tell you how much I LOVE the faux flowers from Michaels. I use them all the time!) One friend had a fantastic “Happy Derby” creation hat (which she made, SO fun and creative) and my other friend had an “Animal theme” with a gorgeous leopard dress and a bird hat (also made by moi)!
3. Check the Kentucky Derby website for permitted and prohibited items. For example, we learned at the last hour that only clear bags were permitted over a certain size. Thankfully I had this bag with me, so was able to schlep a lot but, definitely a necessity when planning.
4. Check the weather. And plan for it all. It rained (there was a moment of sunshine). All day in 2018. (Although everyone assured us that, it always stops raining for the actual race, lol!) I think it’s also supposed to rain this year. It didn’t damper our day, but thankfully my family had ponchos (since you can’t take in umbrellas). I have no doubt that your first thought is “BUT MY OUTFIT!!” don’t worry, grab one of these, or if you’re in a suit try this. The rainsuits were ALL the rage. (Remember, even in the rain you can get sunburn, so wear sunscreen. Check out my previous post on my fav sunscreen.)
5. Shoes, shoes, shoes. I scoured the internet before the event to figure out what to do shoe wise. We ended up somewhat split on this. One friend opted for a sensible bootie (super cute!). This site is called “New York in Heels” so you can guess what I was hell-bent on wearing. So, my bestie and I decided that it would be best to buy cheap (cute) wedge heels and then buy a pair of throwaway (platform) sneakers for the “muddier” portion of the day. Also, if you have infield/paddock tickets you will not be able to sit down, all day, so a backup comfortable pair is KEY. I swapped back and forth, and even though it was something else to carry, it was worth it in my mind to feel the best!
6. Food - Definitely eat a big breakfast beforehand. You will be drinking, standing, talking and betting all day. It’s best to come full, there is food at Churchill Downs (and it was pretty good!) but definitely carb-load for allll the bourbon that awaits you! Snacks in your bag, is never a bad idea!
7. Drinks - This shouldn’t be a question, but yes, you should definitely have mint juleps while at the Derby. They come in commemorative glasses - did I take as many as I could carry? YES. Did I take all the ones my friends tried to throw out? YES. They do also have a champs tent, which took us a while to find! But definitely a lovely indulgence. Someone told me that the Derby is Bud Light’s second largest order each year, and I can believe it. (Photographic proof, that I fully immersed myself in all the traditions of the Derby.)
8. Betting - I would definitely recommend betting throughout the day. Although the race is at the end of the day, there are all sorts of races going on all day. I won on an early race on a horse called “Limousine Liberal” (yah, the name got me!) - $27.46 (when they ask if you’d like the change in cash… always say yes, it’s the teller’s way of shaming you into giving them your change winnings).
9. Mini-mergency Kit - I love the little packs from Pinch Provisions… But I’ll tell you what I padded into mine: hand fan, bug spray, sunscreen (my favorite one comes in a mini), pins, bobby pins, hair ties, blister pads, Evian spray (to refresh in the heat), granola bars, fruit leather, extra cash, battery pack for your phone, and ziplock for your phone (in case it rains).
10. Take photos, but take in most of the day. I did take quite a few shots, but I’d recommend spending as much time being present for this amazing event. Who knows, you may spot a celebrity or see history in the making - no sense in watching it through a screen! We got to see the Justify win the Derby and then he went on to win the Triple Crown! So you never know!
Most importantly, have fun and people watch. It is such a great day and no matter what it will be a day to remember. To give you a taste: one friend came home that night to find a hot dog in her bag… a lone hot dog. No bun. No condiments. Still remains one of the great mysteries of the trip. (If YOU or anyone you know have any information on the perpetrator, please send me an email.)
I’ll be in New York, hosting my own Derby party this year so let me know how your adventure goes! This is being written as I take a break from my hat making… stay tuned for the reveal of my hat for Derby… it may have something to do with the theme of my party “Rosés and Juleps”.