Women's March on Washington

Women's March on Washington


Well, it happened. President Trump was inaugurated on Friday. I watched as I waited for something to interrupt it, for him to say it was all a big joke or for someone else to get sworn in. But I watched on in horror and paralysis as he placed his hand on the bible and took his oath of office.

Less than a half hour later his troops went to work to try to dismantle the important work of Obama over the last eight years. 

And this is why I marched on Saturday.

I marched alongside people all over the country to show this administration that we will not be silenced, we are not going anywhere, our rights will not be taken away, and to tell President Trump that we will fight for the rights of all Americans. 

As a woman, I marched because since the election of Trump I have already seen the ugly face of sexism. I have been called a “fucking liberal”, a “goddamn feminist” and a “whore” by strangers. By strangers who do not know me but who feel emboldened enough to say these things within 2 minutes of meeting me because, well, if the President of the United States can say these things why can’t an ordinary citizen? 

As a woman, I march because over the past few months I’ve had to have some serious conversations with myself about my body and what’s best for it under this administration. (Scary to think that literally old white men want to control my decisions about my body.)

As a citizen of the United States, I marched because I believe that all people should be given equal rights and pay regardless of your race, sexual orientation, religion or gender.

As a citizen of the United States, I marched because I don’t believe that violence or hate will fix any of the problems in this country.


As a friend, I marched because I want my friends to live their best lives without fear of persecution or elimination of rights. Because I believe that everyone should love whoever they do.

As a third culture kid, I marched because I want our country to open its arms to the thousands of refugees around the world, who would prefer to stay in their homelands, but are forced out due to fear, violence and turn to our great nation for hope. And I would like us to continue to be a gold standard for human rights. 

As a human on this earth, I marched because we need to protect this brilliant earth while we still can. 

I am happy to be a very tiny part of that day and to contribute my voice to the chant as we march on the world to show President Donald J. Trump that we are strong and aren’t going anywhere.

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